Triton core 7 be


Active member
Anyone using triton core 7 be ?
I’ve been using it for 2 months now and my icp tests come back with no trace elements, could it be the carbon sapping all them up?
Would like to hear your experiences with it please
I've been using it for 7 years now. It takes a bit of dosing adjustments to get it close to what you need, but I also found (in my case at least) that your tank may not use all 4 dosing solutions equally. I contacted Triton and was referred to one of their dealers who would sell me the separate solution that I used more of. I wish they would make this option more readily available. Here is the breakdown of what each solution controls,
Component 1 - Magnesium + Macro Elements + Trace Elements
Component 2 - Calcium + Trace Elements
Component 3a - Alkalinity (same as 3b)
Component 3b - Alkalinity (same as 3a)
As to which trace elements are in which solution (1 or 2) I don't know.
If you find out, please let us know.
Depends on which one you are short on. For a while, my alkalinity needs caused an increase demand for components 3a and 3b. After adding several clams the demand on component 2 increased. As the tank grows it will constantly change in it's needs, and since no two tanks are alike, so will the demands.
Short on molybdenum, manganese, fluoride , vanadium , strontium ( not going to dose cos it’s so small amount) and iodine which I already dose