I also did Triton twice in last four months, main goal is using it to run binary search to approach best dosing volume of each supplement. When coral color is important to certain reefers, these important items may make some sense, but not that critical to keep cotal alive in tank from my view.
For potassium, I just dose homemade KCl solution, and yes, I have zero stone in reactor. Salfert Potassium test kit is the only one good enough for me and result close enough to ICP test. I did not dose Boron alone but use Af solution which has it combine with other trace elements. I recall Salifert has its test kit but I never use it.
If you don't mind I can share my Triton result later include how I use Triton results to correct my dosing formula.
Sorry for late reply.
Here is how I ran test and actions after....
I did my first ICP test in Oct, 2017 (after 2 years and 10 moths tank run) and 2nd ICP test in Feb. 2018. What I try to do here is through some binary search (maybe two more ICP tests in near future) to optimize my auto and manual dosing recipe.
Anyhow, let me share my ICP Part 2 (Feb 2018) results and follow-up corrections.
ICP (2018.2) results and action items
Let's take a look of Oct. 2017 ICP results and some actions I took
(Af Component A)
Ba = 43 ppm vs 10 ppm (+33)
Sr = 5.44ppm vs 8 ppm (-2.56)
Reduce Af Component A dosing from 7 ml to 4ml per day
Add Af Strontium (Sr) supplement dosing daily
Ba = 15 ppm vs 10 ppm (+5)
Sr = 5.06ppm vs 8 ppm (-2.94)
It seems Af Component A 7 ml to 4ml is an appropriate action, but Af Strontium (Sr) manual dosing volume should increase, maybe I just move Sr manual dose to GHL dose pump
(Af Component B)
Cu = 0 ppm vs 0 ppm (-0.1)
Zn = 0 ppm vs 4 ppm (-4)
Fe = 0 ppm vs 0 ppm (-0.1)
Mn = 0 ppm vs 2 ppm (-2)
Ni = 0 ppm vs 5 ppm (-5)
Cr = 0 ppm vs 0 ppm (-0.1)
V = 0 ppm vs 1.2 ppm (-1.2)
Increase Component B dose from 5 ml to 7ml per day
Cu = 0 ppm vs 0 ppm (-0.1)
Zn = 4.28 ppm vs 4 ppm (0.28)
Fe = 0 ppm vs 0 ppm (-0.1)
Mn = 0 ppm vs 2 ppm (-2)
Ni = 5.12 ppm vs 5 ppm (0.12)
Cr = 0 ppm vs 0 ppm (-0.1)
V = 2.72 ppm vs 1.2 ppm (1.52)
Keep same action as last time (Af Component B to 7 ml per day), but Iron (Fe) manual dosing volume should increase, maybe I just move Sr manual dose to GHL dose pump. More important, what cause Vanadium (V) soared to 2.72 should quickly find out
(Af Component C)
I = 47 ppm vs 60 ppm (-13)
Increase Component C dose from 7ml to 9ml per day
I = 151 ppm vs 60 ppm (91)
Not sure but just found out that I was not only took action to increase Af Component C dose to 9 ml, but also redundantly manual dose Iodine twice a week!!! So, my correction here will simply remove manual Iodine dosing, and keep Af Component C to 9 ml daily.
P = 2.9 ppm vs 6 ppm (-3.1)
S = 843 ppm vs 900 ppm (-57)
B = 4.86 ppm vs 4.5 ppm (0.36)
Increase KZ SPG from 8 drops twice a week to daily
Keep same amount 3ml/day for KZ Xtra
P = 17 ppm vs 6 ppm (11)
S = 845 ppm vs 900 ppm (-55)
B = 4.68 ppm vs 4.5 ppm (0.18)
It seems daily SPG dosing is unnecessary and harmless to tank. Plan to remove SPG dosing but continue keep my 3ml daily KZ Xtra dosing.
Side note:
I suspect Vanadium over dosing will stress coral and cause coral bleach. I kind of heard that before, but can't find the article at this moment. Or, maybe I saw that from Youtube, not quite sure"¦. Anyhow, this time I took my water sample when observed one of my big colony STN from button, and again, like many times before, after applied three times 1/3 water change, STN stop and grow.
So if my make "œVanadium over dosing will stress coral" assumption and to dig deeper"¦.why my Vanadium value soared to 2.72 ppm?
I know Vanadium exist in (a) Af Component B, (b) KZ Spur2 Macroelements, or (c) ceramic rings. However, I did not dose KZ Spur2 Marcoelements nor any ceramic rings in my tank, my Af Component B is not over dosed base on other trace element's ICP results.
I start to suspect KZ Sponge Power contains Vanadium and Molybdenum, but not yet able to prove.