Triton Test Results and Dosing

Patrick Cox

Active member
I have a roughly 100G primarily SPS tank that I have been running for two years. Last week I decided to send a water sample to Triton labs and here are their dosing suggestions based on the water test...

My question is for brand recommendations for supplements. And do you agree with the items in the "Important" category?


Magnesium - I currently use ESV and I have some Magnesium so I have this one covered. I just have not been dosing it because I change water every week but I guess the water changes aren't cutting it.

Potassium - I have never dosed this. Not sure of brand to buy.


Boron - I have never dosed Boron.

Iodine - I have never dosed Iodine.

What are the Mg and potassium levels? Are these traditionally low in the salt mix you're using? Do you do water changes.

I wouldn't bother with the Boron or Iodine.

RHF has some good articles on Iodine...........I'd suggest reading up on those.

A lot of the salt mix results are here if you need a reference---

Thanks for your reply. I do weekly 8-9% water changes.

My Mg was 1353. They said reference is 1370. So not too far off. I use the Red Sea blue bucket and 1353 is about typical for that salt. So maybe I just leave that one alone, otherwise I will be chasing that one all the time?

Regarding Potassium, I have never tested. Should I be testing that?

Thanks for the link on Iodine. I will read up on that.
Your Mg at 1350 is perfectly fine. NSW is 1280, so anything around that range is good.

My water change level is similar to you and I haven't dosed Mg in over 8 years

If you look at that salt link it's likely your potassium is in range as well. If you're around 390-400 it's fine. Usually it doesn't get used up unless you're using some of those commercial systems like Zeo........the stones suck it up.
If you want to test it you can get the Salifert kit.
I also did Triton twice in last four months, main goal is using it to run binary search to approach best dosing volume of each supplement. When coral color is important to certain reefers, these important items may make some sense, but not that critical to keep cotal alive in tank from my view.
For potassium, I just dose homemade KCl solution, and yes, I have zero stone in reactor. Salfert Potassium test kit is the only one good enough for me and result close enough to ICP test. I did not dose Boron alone but use Af solution which has it combine with other trace elements. I recall Salifert has its test kit but I never use it.

If you don't mind I can share my Triton result later include how I use Triton results to correct my dosing formula.
Your Mg at 1350 is perfectly fine. NSW is 1280, so anything around that range is good.

My water change level is similar to you and I haven't dosed Mg in over 8 years

If you look at that salt link it's likely your potassium is in range as well. If you're around 390-400 it's fine. Usually it doesn't get used up unless you're using some of those commercial systems like Zeo........the stones suck it up.
If you want to test it you can get the Salifert kit.


My potassium is 354. They show that as borderline low. I don't follow any special system other than dosing 2 part and water changes with a good skimmer. I think I will try dosing some potassium as they suggest.

Iodine shows as 0 in the test. Reference is 60. I'll think about this one.

I also did Triton twice in last four months, main goal is using it to run binary search to approach best dosing volume of each supplement. When coral color is important to certain reefers, these important items may make some sense, but not that critical to keep cotal alive in tank from my view.
For potassium, I just dose homemade KCl solution, and yes, I have zero stone in reactor. Salfert Potassium test kit is the only one good enough for me and result close enough to ICP test. I did not dose Boron alone but use Af solution which has it combine with other trace elements. I recall Salifert has its test kit but I never use it.

If you don't mind I can share my Triton result later include how I use Triton results to correct my dosing formula.

Sounds good, thanks.
Yes, I would double check with the Salifert kit and get your postassium up and then monitor before I would dose on a continual basis.

You have to be careful about what you're reading with those tests on Iodine and also any trace elements. A zero reading doesn't mean it's low only that the amount is below their LOD( limits of detection) You should familiarize yourself with those.

I'm not sure if this has been updated but here ya go--

Randy's article on Iodine--

That is also why it's tricky biz to dose until you get the target they suggest. Some of their targets are not based on NSW and I would highly question the accuracy.
I feel that Triton is going to make problems that do not exist to sell you stuff - they are not the first to do this and they will not be the last. I could easily make an argument that your tank would be better if you never tested for any of those and never knew the results. I use just regular IO and both mag and K stay up where they need to be... but I also have a CaRx that does supplement mag.

You are likely fine... just keep on reefin'. The only suggestion that I might make is take that money that you spend on testing and buy some more IO and change more water... that can go a long way.
Potassium can be a problem in a ZEOvit system. Maybe in other carbon dosing systems as well, I'm not sure. However, here is what the ZEOvit guide says:

"Montipora, especially plating types, display slower growth and appear washed out to grey. Latent potassium deficiency may also lead to tissue loss, spreading from one or more spots. Stylophora and Pocillopora appear as if they have been exposed to air for a long period of time. Polyps are completely withdrawn and colors are light and without depth. Seriatopora may completely loose all tissue, starting from the base, within only a few days. The pink coloration may turn into a light brown. Acropora may loose their color and get lighter and pale. Growth stops completely. If the potassium deficiency continues tissue is lost, mostly starting from the base. Tubinaria Reniformis stops growth completely and withers away."

If you're not seeing those issues, I wouldn't worry about it. KZ does make a K supplement if you're set on dosing. I'm sure others do as well.
I always dosed for ca alk, mg and iodine. Potassium was something I was looking into before I sold my reef tank and I never ended up dosing or testing for it. Iodine is known to be used up quickly in a reef tank and many salts are low in iodine already. I had a bottle of Lugals and dosed weekly. Iodines role in a reef tank is a debated topic and real testing needs to been done. BRS should do a long term test on this one. I can say from my experience dosing iodine that it helped mainting blues and purples in many sps.
I also did Triton twice in last four months, main goal is using it to run binary search to approach best dosing volume of each supplement. When coral color is important to certain reefers, these important items may make some sense, but not that critical to keep cotal alive in tank from my view.
For potassium, I just dose homemade KCl solution, and yes, I have zero stone in reactor. Salfert Potassium test kit is the only one good enough for me and result close enough to ICP test. I did not dose Boron alone but use Af solution which has it combine with other trace elements. I recall Salifert has its test kit but I never use it.

If you don't mind I can share my Triton result later include how I use Triton results to correct my dosing formula.

Sounds good, thanks.

Sorry for late reply.

Here is how I ran test and actions after....

I did my first ICP test in Oct, 2017 (after 2 years and 10 moths tank run) and 2nd ICP test in Feb. 2018. What I try to do here is through some binary search (maybe two more ICP tests in near future) to optimize my auto and manual dosing recipe.

Anyhow, let me share my ICP Part 2 (Feb 2018) results and follow-up corrections.

ICP (2018.2) results and action items
Let's take a look of Oct. 2017 ICP results and some actions I took
(Af Component A)
Ba = 43 ppm vs 10 ppm (+33)
Sr = 5.44ppm vs 8 ppm (-2.56)
Reduce Af Component A dosing from 7 ml to 4ml per day
Add Af Strontium (Sr) supplement dosing daily

Ba = 15 ppm vs 10 ppm (+5)
Sr = 5.06ppm vs 8 ppm (-2.94)
It seems Af Component A 7 ml to 4ml is an appropriate action, but Af Strontium (Sr) manual dosing volume should increase, maybe I just move Sr manual dose to GHL dose pump

(Af Component B)
Cu = 0 ppm vs 0 ppm (-0.1)
Zn = 0 ppm vs 4 ppm (-4)
Fe = 0 ppm vs 0 ppm (-0.1)
Mn = 0 ppm vs 2 ppm (-2)
Ni = 0 ppm vs 5 ppm (-5)
Cr = 0 ppm vs 0 ppm (-0.1)
V = 0 ppm vs 1.2 ppm (-1.2)
Increase Component B dose from 5 ml to 7ml per day

Cu = 0 ppm vs 0 ppm (-0.1)
Zn = 4.28 ppm vs 4 ppm (0.28)
Fe = 0 ppm vs 0 ppm (-0.1)
Mn = 0 ppm vs 2 ppm (-2)
Ni = 5.12 ppm vs 5 ppm (0.12)
Cr = 0 ppm vs 0 ppm (-0.1)
V = 2.72 ppm vs 1.2 ppm (1.52)
Keep same action as last time (Af Component B to 7 ml per day), but Iron (Fe) manual dosing volume should increase, maybe I just move Sr manual dose to GHL dose pump. More important, what cause Vanadium (V) soared to 2.72 should quickly find out

(Af Component C)
I = 47 ppm vs 60 ppm (-13)
Increase Component C dose from 7ml to 9ml per day

I = 151 ppm vs 60 ppm (91)
Not sure but just found out that I was not only took action to increase Af Component C dose to 9 ml, but also redundantly manual dose Iodine twice a week!!! So, my correction here will simply remove manual Iodine dosing, and keep Af Component C to 9 ml daily.

P = 2.9 ppm vs 6 ppm (-3.1)
S = 843 ppm vs 900 ppm (-57)
B = 4.86 ppm vs 4.5 ppm (0.36)
Increase KZ SPG from 8 drops twice a week to daily
Keep same amount 3ml/day for KZ Xtra

P = 17 ppm vs 6 ppm (11)
S = 845 ppm vs 900 ppm (-55)
B = 4.68 ppm vs 4.5 ppm (0.18)
It seems daily SPG dosing is unnecessary and harmless to tank. Plan to remove SPG dosing but continue keep my 3ml daily KZ Xtra dosing.

Side note:
I suspect Vanadium over dosing will stress coral and cause coral bleach. I kind of heard that before, but can't find the article at this moment. Or, maybe I saw that from Youtube, not quite sure"¦. Anyhow, this time I took my water sample when observed one of my big colony STN from button, and again, like many times before, after applied three times 1/3 water change, STN stop and grow.

So if my make "œVanadium over dosing will stress coral" assumption and to dig deeper"¦.why my Vanadium value soared to 2.72 ppm?
I know Vanadium exist in (a) Af Component B, (b) KZ Spur2 Macroelements, or (c) ceramic rings. However, I did not dose KZ Spur2 Marcoelements nor any ceramic rings in my tank, my Af Component B is not over dosed base on other trace element's ICP results.

I start to suspect KZ Sponge Power contains Vanadium and Molybdenum, but not yet able to prove.