Trouble removing center brace


New member
Heres the deal, I have two 110 gallon oceanview tanks both with center braces. I would like to remove the braces to make the tanks into holding tanks by adding 3-4 baffles from front to back. In most cases I would just use a razor blade to cut away the silicone and tear out the brace, heck alot of them just fall out on their own, but in this case oceanview was very precise when they put the braces in and I cant even get a blade inbetween the two panes. Anyone have any suggestions of a solovent that would dissolve the silicone or a method of cutting the brace out? Im tempted to take a blow torch to them in order to melt the silicone, I tried a heat gun but I dont think it was hot enough. TIA
Thanks for the input, I know why the brace is there, and in adding 3-4 baffles front to back I will be increasing the structural support it provides ;)
how much to you like those centerbraces. 5 pound sledge would work well and I am being serious. Or cut it out with a diamond coated blade and just leave some little nubs.
The tanks will be holding tanks so asthetics is really not a problem. I was thinking of cutting them out, but wasnt sure as to which kind or saw/blade I should use. I assumed they made some kind of blade like a diamond bit. I was actually going to drop kick them, but the sledge might be more precise :D The only other idea I had was to score the glass and use a rubber mallot to break them out, just dont want to mess up the rest of the tanks while Im at it...
Quick and dirty, score the glass then smack it from the other side with a mallet. make sure you lay it on it's side of cours so you dont smack havy pieces into tank.
You could try cutting out using heavy fishing line, as a sort of "rope saw" Take a 3 foot or so piece of monofilament fishing line, wear gloves, take a few wraps of line around each hand and then give at a try! HTH, GL!
Thanks for the replies yall. I actually did try the rope saw idea, but its too tight. Think I will try the grinding wheel, sounds like that would be the cleanest and least risky route ;)
When I had to remove mine because it cracked I used a really thin metal putty knife, razor blade and mineral spirits. Use the razor blade to cut excess silicone and then use mineral spirits on a paint brush and brush at the seams.
The mineral spirits will eat away at the silicone and cause it to separate from the glass. Use the putty knife and a hammer and try to separate the brace from the tank. Push and pull on the brace while you are doing this and it should eventually come out.
I tried the mineral spirits and never could get that smell out of the tank soak in vinigar solution, bleach almost everything.