Trying to do DIY Rock


Premium Member
I'm putting an aquarium in at work and to save money I'm going to be using DIY rock. I've got cement and rock salt, but I can't find any crushed shell anywhere. Does anyone know a vendor where I can get 40lbs of crushed shell (oyster, quahog, it doesn't realy matter to me).
With all the commercial fishing in the area I would think that one shouldn't have a hard time finding that stuff around one of the harbors. Call up a wholesale fish market, they could prob point you in the right direction.
Or better yet go to a large restaurant and ask for all the oyster shells from a raw bar to be put aside, throw the guy opening them $20 or so, clean them up good and throw them in a burlap bag and smash the hell out of them. Im sure you read everything already on the process, just make sure you let the ph in the cement come down before doing anything with this rock. Good luck