TS24 or TS21 kit for 180?



WHich is better for a mixed 180 (SPS,LPS,Softies,Clams) with a 5 year old 4"-5" DSB. Can the pumps be pointed slightly upwards if sand happens to get stirred up a little? I want good wave action for the gorgonians to sway.

Also currently plan on keeping the streams towards the top portion of the tank unless recommend otherwise. Haven't decided on the magnets or the art deco rock.

In the past I've had a RIO2100 on the front left top and didn't have problems with sand blowing around. Removed it as the gorgonians just stayed in one direction


Long flowing polyped LPS like frogspawn won't appreciate the 6100's, neither will colts and other softies (excluding leathers) if you have these it would be best to get 2 6000 and a multicontroller. The rock holders up angle the flow, otherwise you would have to devise a way to do this on your own.

One more question: What is the closest I can put the streams (both the 6000 and 6100 to the top of the water level without a vortex or air getting into the waterflow?
