Tunez water level controller 5017


New member
My husband, who recently past away, was REALLY into his saltwater fish tanks and I am scrambling to learn as much as possible. He has a Tunez water level controller 5017 which seems to be pumping every minute or so. I don't know if this is normal. I don't remember hearing it buzz this often before but I thought maybe I just couldn't hear it over the tv. The pump is submerged in a 5 gallon container of RO/DI water. There looks to be plenty of water in the container. As far as I know he hasn't repositioned the sensor or anything for a very long time so I don't believe that has anything to do with it. Anyone have any ideas? I greatly appreciate ANY help. Thanks
Usually if the pump is constantly turning on and off the top off hose is touching the water so the water is draining back when the pump turns off. A siphon is being created.