Tuning a Nano Wavebox?


Premium Member
I just picked up a nano wavebox and have it placed in my 75 in front of the overflow, on the left-side wall, pointing to the right. I wanted to place it on the right wall all the way against the rear pane but I have corals (big lps) only 9" away and wasn't sure that was a good spot.

I am trying to tune the wave and get just an "ok" one that doesn't sway the coral like the others I have seen. Is there a trick to tuning it and should I position it in a different location? I have tried making incremental changes but am not sure how long I need to leave it in one position before moving to the next one.

Thanks, Roger.
Make sure the voltage on the power supply is at the full 24V. It takes a couple hours to tune, make sure the top of the box is above the water as well. You need to very slowly turn the knob, expect that the frequency will be somewhere between the 9 o clock and 12 o clock position. Turn in hair width increment and wait a few seconds between turns.
So the nano wavebox need to be set on 24V??
Mine is currently set at the lowest. What is the difference?

Also, in the manual there is a control dial on the adapter plugs but on my unit it does not have that +/- dial. Why is it not there?
Bigger pumps like the 6105 and 6212 wavebox pump have the dial, the 6055 instead has the switch on the power supply, both have the same function, to control the speed. 24V is maximum speed/power and will give the biggest wave.