Tunze 1073.020 inlet/outlet question?

It is 3/4" FPT so you could buy a thread to barb adapter at any hardware store to do this.
Roger I cut one of the Orings on the pump fitting when glueing in to a bulkhead with Epoxy, where and how can I get one of these O rings? Or what size? I have a O Ring kit but nothing is close. Thanks, Scott
I take it you mean the oring on the nipple that threads into the hole or the one on the front cover plate? We don't have either as a stand alone part, they come with the cover or the nipples but I can scrounge up a gently used one for a front cover.
I don't have these, but let me see what I can find out. Bump this thread if you don't hear back from me by Thursday.
I did hear back from the factory, they have them, it has no part number, but they said they would add them to my next shipment.