Tunze 6065 Help


New member
I have an older Tunze 6065 and 7 times out of 10 when it loses power and restarts it sucks instead of blows (i.e. pulling water in instead of pushing it out). Is there a way to fix this??? Thank you!
Is the propeller damaged? Example - chewed looking on ends or broken tips?

Also when you say older, it is a 6065 not a 6060 correct?
There are 5 possible causes and I will list them in order of probability.

1) Magnet and prop assembly are stuck to the metal shaft by calcium deposits. The magnet must be able to spin freely and freely slide up and down the shaft. Cleaning is all that is needed.

2)The tips of the propeller blade are broken off.

3)The stops in the front cover that stop the propeller from spinning backward are broken or chewed up.

4)In a past cleaning the disk was lost or placed on top of the propeller on the shaft rather than below it.

5)The voltage is outside the acceptable range of 102-132V, with 107-128V being the ideal.