Tunze 6101 not working


New member

I have a tunze 6101. It's less than a year old. Model 9935 with 24 volt plugged in. The red light is very faint. It has stopped working.
Would it be possible for you to tell me what do I need to do to fix it?
Do you have another pump you could swap power supplies with to rule out whether it is the pump or power supply?
Please send the pump and power supply, we will replace them under warranty as long as the power supply didn't get wet.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753
Ok. I also have a tunze turbelle magnetic holder which was bought at the same time as the pump. One of the latches that holds the pump broke and I have been using the other side ever since. Would it be possible for you to tell me whether the magnetic holders have a warranty? If they do, may I send the magnetic holder along with the pump and power supply to the address listed above?
Yes, everything we sell has a 2 year warranty with the exception of light bulbs and electrodes which have a 6 month warranty.
Hi Roger,

Thank you for sending me the replacement pump. Unfortunately, my other stream suddenly stopped working as well. I tried swapping the power supplies and it still does not work. This pump was bought after the other stream.

The little red light that displays the voltage is not even faint red--it is completely white and the adapter is cold.

Would it be possible for me to send this pump to the Texas address listed above as well?