Tunze 6105 Burned Out


Snail Killer
Premium Member
I have 2 of 6105s. Today I cleaned one of them and put it back in the tank, turned it on and went on my merry way. I then started to smell electrics burning, not a nice smell. What has burned out is the little black box that regulates the speed of the impellor.

Can I get a replacement? And if I can how do I replace it? Can't seem to pull the wires out the burned out box easily. Should I send it in?
What burned is a small capacitor that serves as a sort of surge surpressor, it cushions small variations in line voltage. It will typically only burn out in the event of getting wet or a power surge. I can certainly repair it, if it got wet, quite often the power supply plug is semi welded to the socket and not removable. Please send it in. I am also happy to try to diagnose it by photos and send parts given your distance, this may be cheaper and faster.
Thanks Roger. It burned out so badly that the black box actually fell apart. I think I left it in a small pool of water rather than water running down the cable. It's definitely way beyond my skills to fix as the white wire is burned out and where it connects to the box (above the adapter) is completely melted. Will email you a photo, but will have to send it in. Don't mind paying as it was my fault for being careless and the 2 of them have worked flawlessly for 2 or more years.