Tunze 6105 issues...need help!

tom obrecht

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Join Date: Oct 2004
Location: WI
Posts: 2,944 6105 problem


I currently run 4 6105's on my display and have had issues with locking up impellers. They operate normally until they just stop as if they are calcified so I remove the stopped PH, soak in vinegar overnight, reassemble and nothing! I have tried a different motorblock assembly and still nothing. I resoak, clean again...still no luck. This has happened 2 times now! Now I'm down 2 powerheads! They are the newer models (with attached controller) so they are not ancient. Is this an impeller issue, user error or something else? Any help would be appreciated!
Thanks to Roger I figured it out. The impeller had calcified to the shaft. When I pulled the impeller out to clean the shaft came out as well. I thought it was one assembly until talking to Roger. Removed the shaft from the impeller, soaked and cleaned and reassembled. Just like new!