Tunze 6105 placement


I was wondering what would be the best placement and programming for my two Tunze 6105's with my current aquascaping. Just three pillars in the middle of the tank:

Where you have them is fine but I would aim them across in an x to hit the front 2/3 away. What controller are you using?
Got an Apex.

Here is my current programming (borrowed, not original)

Set Wave1
If Time 10:30 to 11:59 Then duskdawn
If Time 12:00 to 19:00 Then Wave1
If Time 19:01 to 20:00 Then duskdawn
If Time 20:01 to 10:29 Then Night
If Outlet Timer1 = ON Then Lt_Flush
If Outlet Timer2 = ON Then duskdawn
If Outlet Timer3 = ON Then Wave2
If FeedA 000 Then Feed
If FeedC 000 Then OFF
If FeedD 00 Then Feed

Set Wave1
If Time 10:30 to 11:59 Then duskdawn
If Time 12:00 to 19:00 Then Wave1
If Time 19:01 to 20:00 Then duskdawn
If Time 20:01 to 10:29 Then Night
If Outlet Timer1 = ON Then Rt_Flush
If Outlet Timer2 = ON Then duskdawn
If Outlet Timer3 = ON Then Wave2
If FeedA 000 Then Feed
If FeedC 000 Then OFF
If FeedD 00 Then Feed

Synchronize Enabled
Divide by 10 Enabled
Initial off time (Seconds) 0
On time (Seconds) 7
Off time (Seconds) 4
Minimum intensity 0
Maximum intensity 100

Synchronize Disabled
Divide by 10 Enabled
Initial off time (Seconds) 0
On time (Seconds) 7
Off time (Seconds) 4
Minimum intensity 0
Maximum intensity 100

Synchronize Disabled
Divide by 10 Disabled
Initial off time (Seconds) 0
On time (Seconds) 30
Off time (Seconds) 30
Minimum intensity 0
Maximum intensity 90

Synchronize Disabled
Divide by 10 Disabled
Initial off time (Seconds) 30
On time (Seconds) 30
Off time (Seconds) 30
Minimum intensity 0
Maximum intensity 90

Synchronize Enabled
Divide by 10 Enabled
Initial off time (Seconds) 0
On time (Seconds) 7
Off time (Seconds) 4
Minimum intensity 0
Maximum intensity 30 60

Synchronize Disabled
Divide by 10 Disabled
Initial off time (Seconds) 0
On time (Seconds) 10
Off time (Seconds) 15
Minimum intensity 30
Maximum intensity 30

OSC 120:00/010:00/000:00 Then ON
If Outlet Timer2 = ON Then OFF
If Time 19:30 to 11:30 Then OFF
If FeedA 000 Then OFF
If FeedB 000 Then OFF
If FeedC 000 Then OFF

OSC 045:00/015:00/000:00 Then ON
If Outlet Timer3 = ON Then OFF
If Time 19:30 to 11:30 Then OFF
If FeedA 000 Then OFF
If FeedB000 Then OFF
If FeedC 000 Then OFF

OSC 015:00/005:00/000:00 Then ON
If Outlet Timer1 = ON Then OFF
If Time 19:30 to 11:30 Then OFF
If FeedA 000 Then OFF
If FeedB000 Then OFF
If FeedC 000 Then OFF
Having never used an Apex, I wouldn't really be able to decipher that.

What I would generally recommend is something like our Interval 2, one pump idles at 30%, the other pulses every 3 secs from 30%-100% after 6 hours they switch. At night they lock in so one is at 30% and the other is at 100% or 30% as you feel is best and their is no more pulsing or change until light returns.