Tunze 6215 Wavebox Question


Active member
I purchased a 6215 wavebox and have it in my Red Sea S 650 display tank. Question, does this work with a eurobrace style tank? Because of the eurobrace the wavebox will be completely submerged, will this work?

It will work but not very well, the wave will be less than half of what it could be if the wavebox was able to breathe air, most of the effect is from the box emptying and filling and if it cannot get air, it cannot empty.
Thanks for the reply, I have it in a 150g DT, with 2 MP60s & 2000 gph closed loop system, I really want it for the wave effect. Do you think it would still be good to have?

Is it possible to move it to a position where you can get it even 1/4-1/2" out of water? Basically as it is you could get the same result from a 6155 pump and 7092 controller, the wave will be very short, maybe 1/4".
I might be able to get it 1/4"-1/2" out of the water. Do you think it will be much more effective that way?

If you can get it out of the water 1/2" it will have the full performance and the wave should be at least 1/2".