Tunze 7097 questions


Active member
Just to clarify:

Iphone/Ipads will be able to control the 7097?
Is there an app that needs to downloaded/purchased?
Any updated release date?

We have hit a stumbling block on the 7097 and iOS. The app is done, it would be something you download on the App store. It was however rejected unless we pay a $20,000 license fee for use of Apple Bluetooth. For that reason we are trying for an unglamorous workaround. The $20k fee is a non starter, we would never sell enough to iOS users to offset this fee and we already paid $8K for the Bluetooth license in general which was also a shock as we assumed the license was included by buying a licensed chip set. Despite the perspective we have in the US, iOS is a small market share worldwide, Android dominates Asia and Europe and I speak as an Apple fan who doesn't even own an Android or Windows device so this is just facts. As it stands we are going to attempt to get the app approved to work with USB, you would need the Camera Adapter to make the connection and it would be cabled, but this requires reworking the App. It will work with Bluetooth with a Mac Computer, for whatever reason the restriction for Mac OSX is not in place and no license fee is needed. Bluetooth will also work with Android and Windows mobile devices. The release is delayed for this reason, it will happen but we need to resolve the issue so the App can be approved and the manual and literature needs to be finalized once this is done.
Unbelievable! Apple is the most wealthiest companies in the world and they play these games!? It really makes you think about changing to android.
I will front the 20K Roger, where do I send it?

J/K thats a bummer I would have to pass on the 7097 if the app is not available. Very unfortunate as there are a lot of iphone users.
Well, we hope to have an app, it just would require the camera adapter or a comparable USB to lightning or USB to 30 pin adapter. If you have a Mac computer Bluetooth for OSX will be available for sure, only the mobile products are affected by this license.

Yes if it affects the mobile devices, then it takes the convience away for me. The point of me buying the 7097 would be using it on my phone via bluetooth. I dont want to lug my laptop around. Maybe the 20k license fee may benefit Tunze in future endevors, I sure hope so for my sake :)

hi, in 7097, is pump options include clock settings? are we capable of setting the pumps differently during the day, i mean 09:00 - 11:00 setting A , 11:00 - 16:00 setting B.. goes on like this.