Tunze 9002 Nano Skimmer Pump Issues


One reef to rule them all
I just purchased the 9002 skimmer second hand from a seller here. I am having issues with what I believe is part #7 (please see pics below). It looks incredibly worn to me. I asked the seller if he had modified in an way and the answer was "no". based on how the rest of the skimmer looks (along with the other items I got from him) I have no reason to doubt the seller's integrity. In any case, is there perhaps a higher quality replacement piece available for this? For the time being I have used a piece of tubing to keep the pieces on, but they certainly do not stay on by their own accord (as they should). It was recommended that I ask here about this problem. For the record, I have a couple other tunze products that I purchased second hand and have been very happy with them.

Thanks for the link.

Respectfully, there is no way this could have been damaged in shipped. Or, if this item was damaged in shipping, there would be evidence of more damage throughout.

Anyway, will be ordering that soon.
I am sorry, I don't know how it happened but we sell very few of them in a year and I doubt you will ever need another. It is a glued piece, but it is a solvent weld type glue that fuses the plastic and if the original purchaser bought it less than 2 years ago, I would be willing to extend warranty coverage.
There really is no need to apologize. I will pass this information onto the original buyer. I am not sure of the date. I do know it is the magnet mounted one, which I believe is newer than two years, though I could be mistaken.