Tunze 9002 Skimmer: Impeller Chatter


New member
Hi Roger,

I had a problem earlier with microbubbles I posted about. We both hoped it would be water chemistry, but in the past month it has not corrected itself. I get zero foam production, just a small amount of bubbles exiting the bottom plate.

I took the skimmer apart today and fooled around with the pump. There appears to be something wrong with impeller shaft, it chatters noisily and starts and stops repeatedly. I've cleaned it, put it in a vinegar bath, nothing.

The impeller itself appears to be loose on the gray magnet shaft, not sure if that is the way it is supposed to be or not.

Is this fixable? And if not, is it possible to order just the impeller, or would I need a whole new pump? Despite purchasing this skimmer last year, I believe I have the older model with the 800.04 pump.

I found this guy on the Tunze site:


Which is listed as:

Drive unit for 800.04 (50 Hz), part number 0800.042

It looks different than the one I have, mine has six (I believe) blades.
This could be the cause of both problems, as it would slip so you would have less pressure and the foam would not rise, the few bubbles under low pressure could exit the bottom. The picture shows the 50Hz model 3 long blades, 60hz has 6 short blades, just PM me you address and I will mail one to you no charge.