Tunze 9002 tuning problem


I've had this skimmer set up and running for about a month now and I can't get it tuned for the life of me. I followed the instructions word for word and so far I'm not impressed. I've been screwing with the adjustment knob for a while now, making very small changes to try and get it just right and still nothing. Its either way too wet (the collection cup fills up within a few hours) or it preforms like a normal skimmer (nice little collection of bubbles at the top of collection cup but thats it) but never pulls anything out. (I've left it running both ways and its just not cutting it) Its in the sump of my 30 gallon nano. The system only has 3 fish (2 clowns and a six line) and I only feed twice a week with a 5 gallon water change/ week. I also have a crazy clean up crew so my water should be pretty clean. Is the skimmer working correctly but theres just not much to pull out of the water? I've heard great things about these skimmers but if I can't get it set up rights its outta here.

Any help is welcome

I can only think of three scenarios and I will list them in order of probability.

1) There is very little to skim, surest way to test this is take the skimmer to a friend with a known dirty tank, a LFS live rock or similar tank being ideal. If it can then be properly tuned, yo know it is just the tank was low on skimmable substances and it makes no sense to replace it when the replacement will get the same result.

2) You are using an additive that is resulting in wet skimmate. Certain additives act as surfactants, they change surface tension and affect bubble size and "stickiness" as a result, much like adding detergent to water. Many vitamins, amino acids, oily foods, stress coats and dechlorinators and especially slime algae killers or medicines will cause this reaction, it is then best to skim wet, keep emptying the cup, run some carbon and quit using whatever it is. The skimmer will work properly once the substance is removed or has decomposed.

3)There is something wrong with how it is installed, perhaps it is too deeply submerged, heed the marked water line and consider this an absolute maximum. Under no circumstance should the water be more than 1.5" below this line and it should not fluctuate more than .5" over 24hrs. Very high turbulence near the skimmer will have the same result, the skimmer should be in a relatively calm area.