Tunze 9006 Skimmate Collection


Acropora Gardener
Hi Roger,

My Tunze 9006 skimmer has a sump kit and seems to be working OK in a 60 gallon tank (with sump after displacement). The air valve is on a 6 turn at the moment. Despite being on a 6 turn, I seem to be getting quite dry skimmate as shown below:


Is this normal? I tried to turn the valve to 7 turn to produce wetter skimmate, but the skimmate production slowed down. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance.
The skimming looks good, what you describe is not unusual, there is a definite optimum air range and maximum air flow often results in excess turbulence that tears the foam column apart and reduces skimming performance. I would give it some time, but that skimmate has the ideal color in my opinion.

This is an old trick, but I wanted to pass it on to you. The foam escaping the cup indicates it isn't fully broken in, this will subside in time, however, you can address it in the interim by dipping a Q-tip in some vegetable oil and smearing a film on the inside rim of the lid where the vents are, the bubbles will burst on contact with the oil and fall in the cup rather than escape and make a mess. This works itself out as the skimmer ages, but if you wanted to address it now to avoid dribbles of skimmate on stuff, that is how you can solve it.