tunze 9010 problem


New member
my skimmer is about two years old and for the past few weeks it tends to stop producing foam. i take it out and clean it and make sure the tubes are connected then put it back and it works for a few days then needs to be cleaned again. any suggestions? a lot of cleaning for a skimmer?
Roger is by far the most knowledgeable person with these skimmer but he does not post on weekends. He usually is on Monday thru Friday so I would look for a reply tomorrow.
It could be some change in chemistry of the water, for example a surfactant has been added (stress coats, vitamins, medications, slime algae killer) all will impede skimming. Some filter medias can have the same result, Seachem Puregen and many floss and filter bags if not thoroughly rinsed. It could be the impeller is wearing out and slipping and a new 3000.600 drive unit will solve the problem, it could also be high amounts of suspended sediment in the water from a tank overhaul is causing this. In general I would trace back to when this started and note any major changes that were made to upkeep of the tank, if there were none I would change the drive unit 3000.600 and submerge the entire skimmer in a bucket deep enough to cover the entire unit, remove the air intake screw and add a gallon of vinegar and then warm water until it is entirely submerged. Plug it in and let it run for 4-6 hours so it pulls the vinegar/water mix through every passage, this should get every critical piece cleaned of salt creep and calcium build up.
ok i take this back. what changed is my alk suplement. i switched from fauna marin alk supplement to using soda ash.
do you(s) think that would make a difference?
no changes come to mind so i will get the new part and clean in vinegar.
Soda Ash is just sodium carbonate or washing powder, so unless it had an impurity or contaminant it would not be the cause.