Tunze 9010 standpipe


New member
I just purchased a 9010 and have it installed in my sump. It seems to be creating lots of foam but no water flows out of the standpipe, is this normal?

No, this means that either the bottom plate is not on all the way or is the wrong one, you should be using the plate with the suction cup feet. Or, it means the part 9010.400, sleeve below cover was left out of the assembly or is not making a good seal against the pump intake. The skimmer will not work at its optimum efficiency without water exiting the pipe.
Hi Roger thanks for the help. I looked at the bottom plate again and it is installed with the bevel side to the front. If I put my hand down by the bevel I can feel water leaking through even though it is pushed all the way in. If I watch it when I turn the pump on and off it looks like the pressure pushes down on the thin plastic bottom and opens up a small gap in the front where the water is leaking. I have to hold up on the bottom to stop it from leaking. I have my skimmer mounted using the mounting bracket to the side of my sump so the skimmer cup will clear the bioball chamber, not quite enough room to set it on bottom of sump. Do you think the little extra weight of the skimmer resting on the bottom plate would be enough to stop the bottom from flexing?

Yes, that is what is needed, it has to rest on the bottom in a sump install. I would make a platform out of eggcrate and PVC. A second option, and I can do this if you send in the body, I can glue a plastic nut into the body so you can screw the plate down.