tunze calcium dispenser

The Calcium Dispenser works in conjunction with the osmolator. Every time a top off need is registered the water enters the Calcium dispenser at a slow rate through a tangential mixer. The kalk is mixed in a sealed vessicle very similar to a Nilsen reactor. Every time you refill the reservoir (we recommend the 27L reservoir we offer or a 7gal bucket as used for Salt mix) you add between 2 and 4 teaspoons of Kalk to the dispenser, on it's own it is sufficent for a 30gal aquarium. Up to 60gals it works very well with a weekly regiment of B Ionic or similar additive. Over 60 gals it boosts the fficiency of a calcium reactor by helping mainatin a higher KH and stable pH. On my 120 Reef, with 2 teaspoons no noticable pH increase is detected in an average run of the Osmolator, with 4 teaspoons an increase of about .05-.1 is noted on the first few fills. It is a very simple reactor that provides a saturated solution but due to the limited volume of powder it can be safely filled with it requires more refilling than a Nilsen reactor might. Of course my recommended tank size factor a heacvy sps load, if your population is mixed or primarly softies it could be sufficient up to 60gals on its own. I have many repeat customers on this product so I believe most users are satisfied.
Hi Roger,

My question is the calcium dispenser will be enought to supply the calcium requirements when I take my two week vacation.

thank you
For a 25gal it should supply the demand for about 1 week. You cannot add alot of powder without worrying about a pH spike so you would be limited to 2 teaspoons, though I have no experience with such a small aquarium so you could try it cautiously. I would expect 2 teapoons and 7gals of water to last 7-10days on this size aquarium. I would soubt that calcium could drop substantially though in the remaining time until you return.
Hi Roger,

I have placed a order for the calcium dispenser, the 7 gallon container, and a replacement pump. Thank you for all your information. I guess I will just have to experiment on how much kalk to add. One of the experiment I plan to do is add vinegar to the top off water to lower the ph. Will the vinegar hurt the pump. Thank you again for your help.
The vinegar should not hurt the pump, I frankly have a concern with the organic load that vinegar could create over time. In general kalk is useful but most likely not a complete solution to heavy calcium demand. It should serve you well but I would be prepared to add another supplement periodically. I like Reef Complete by Seachem, though I have also heard good things about Saliferts Calcium Acetate based supplement.
So Roger, You are saying to use the Tunze Calcium Bicarbonate, & also use the Reef Complete by Seachem? If we need to use the Seachem, how often would we need to use it...

I will be upgrading to a 29 Gallon Tank... Currently I have a 20 Gal Long Tank, I plan to convert it to my sump. I already own the Tunze 9004 Protein Skimmer. I recently purchased the Tunze 5074 Calcium Dispenser, and the Tunze Osmolator Nano 3152? I hope it will be compatible.. I am trying to find out where to get the Calcium Bicarbonate as well... Preferrably the Tunze, but if not, do you recommend another brand?

How much do you recommend?

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We don't have a Calcium Bicarbonate, just the Calcium Carbonate and that is a granular media that must be used in a calcium reactor. The calcium dispenser just uses kalkwasser (calcium hydroxide). It is NOT compatible with the nano osmolator, you can try it but it is not recommended, the pump is running at a very low power and may not be able to top off the tank with the additional head pressure, it is only recommended with the full size Osmolator 3155. Adding any other calcium supplements would be as needed based on the results of testing the calcium levels. In general Kalkwasser is only sufficient on its own in very low demand soft coral systems.
Is there any chance you have video of how it gets hooked up? I have an idea just want to make sure. Was considering it on giving it a try wanted to keep my ph a little more stable.