Tunze in a 90gal


Premium Member
I recently purschased a 6080 by mistake when I thought I ordered a 6060. Now I can't return the 6080. I tried the 6080 VERY briefly and saw my fish and soft corals were less than pleased. I am in the process of moving from a FOWLR to a mixed reef with Softs, LPS and SPS. I am keeping my fish inhabitants (couple of tangs, wrasse, percula, black cap and madarin).
My flow in the 90 is currently is a Mag 9.5 return and 2 maxijet 1200 aimed toward the back behind the LR. How can I use this 6080 effectively? Any adivce is appreciated.
You could use a suction housing from a 6200 stream which has a wider outlet and would soften the flow. You can buy this as as a spare part
You could also just buy the 6060.12A Propeller, you would have a 6060 then, it would of course have the heavier duty motor coil of a 6080 and use slightly more power than a 6060 but the flow would be identical. This costs only about $9. The Suction Housing is a $45 part and I am out of these for now.
Maybe I should try the propeller first. Do you mean you are out of both parts? If you do have the propeller, how can I get one? Looked on the Tunze website and don't see either listed. I really appreciate your advice. You not only saved me some anxiety, but also from further "comments" from my wife. :)
:lol: Yes, I have the prop in stock. They cost $9.65. I do sell spare parts direct but for today, it is probably best to place an order with Premium Aquatics or Champion Lighting. Unfortunately Mr Tunze left my phone off the hook and it needs to charge up for a while- it doesn't work at this time. If you want to call tomorrow 512-833-7546.