Tunze Master Pump?


Cheesehead Reefer
Hi Roger,

I remember a while back some discussion about a new Tunze water pump being brought to the US market, a pump which would be suitable for use as a main pump in a larger tank. I believe max flow was to be somewhere around 2500gph?

Do you have any more information about this pump? I had a catastrophic failure of the main pump in my system, and I'll be lucky I don't have a tank crash...I'm in the market for a quiet, RELIABLE, and energy efficient pump for my tank.

They are too new for me to comment meaningfully on reliability, but the first ones came in last week, it is model 1073.110 and you can see it on Tunze.com. On a critical piece of equipment like this it is worthwhile in any case having at least a limp by back up even if it is a much cheaper pump with a much lower flow rate.
Thanks Roger.

A couple of questions about this pump: can it be run externally? Also, I see the inlet is 1.5". The plumbing from my sump is 1". I know it's not desirable to restrict the input to a centrifugal pump, but I will have the outlet restricted significantly with a chiller, manifold, etc.

Do you think there is too high a risk of inlet cavitation for me to run this pump with at least the initial part of the plumbing run to the inlet set at 1"?

P.S. I completely agree with having backups for mission-critical components. :-) I swapped my old faithful Blueline pump back in until I can figure out what's next. Loud, and an energy hog, but it works. Of course the other pump failed while we were out of town... it got pretty chilly in the tank while the main pump was out, but my 2 6205's pointed up enough to ripple the water kept the tank aerated. Thumbs up for my Tunze's!
It can be run external or submerse.

1" plumbing will result in cavitation and a sharp reduction in flow, the pump generates a very high volume at modest pressure. I could only see 1" working if you came off with 1.5" and with a special T immediately split it into 2 1" pipes.
Seems like this pump is bigger than my system can handle.

Thanks for the info, Roger.