tunze nano wavebox experience?


New member
Would this work on a 48" x 20" x20" tank approx 80G?

I have 2x 9101 so it is not that low on flow, but a little more movement would be nice..
Would the nano wave box let me downsize the 9101 into the nano streams and still keep SPS?

Can you tell me the requirement to place this nano wave box?
Yes, it will work. It could be placed in a back corner aimed to the front but in this placement the wave will be a bit shorter and a bit diagonal, higher in the opposite front corner. It could also be placed aimed down the length of the tank and this is the ideal. About 3/4" should stick out of the top of the tank. I probably wouldn't downsize to the 6055's, you could but the flow is different from the wavebox and while useful, it lifts and suspends, but has no real direction, you still need directional flow. If anything I would get a single 6105.
It would be best to avoid this, any obstacle should be at least 12" away but it will impact wave height. You could place the wavebox in just about any corner so you should be able to find a relatively unobstructed one.
So you are saying about 3/4" should be above the water level that I am at now, can you give me the measurement from top of box to the center of the nozzle so I can measure what is in the way? (approximately)

Also does it come with a magnet mount out of the box?
It does include a magnet mount, the pump has a roughly 1.5" outlet and it is centered about 7" from the top of the box.
Yes, it will work. It could be placed in a back corner aimed to the front but in this placement the wave will be a bit shorter and a bit diagonal, higher in the opposite front corner. It could also be placed aimed down the length of the tank and this is the ideal. About 3/4" should stick out of the top of the tank. I probably wouldn't downsize to the 6055's, you could but the flow is different from the wavebox and while useful, it lifts and suspends, but has no real direction, you still need directional flow. If anything I would get a single 6105.

Obviously, if you have a eurobraced tank the nano or regular wavemaker won't work to its full capacity of making waves then if its not sticking 3/4" out of the water?
The Wavebox top plate must be above the surface to operate so you may get away with a little as quarter inch as long as the very top is not submersed this may reduce the wave and or also add a little noise as the wave slops into the wavebox!
Mine is on an eurobraces tank and is working fine (48x30x25)

Do you have the nano or the regular wavemaker? Also do you have yours slightly sticking out of the water? I think my nano is barely out of the water like 1/4" only and it's not doing much for my 48x30x24. Two weeks of slow tuning and ended up with a teeny tiny wave.

I'm getting the regular wavebox next, I want it sloshing my tank part. :clown:
It would barely work on a 60 cube. I don't think it is worth the expense for such a short wave.