Tunze Nano Wavebox Location, Location, Location


New member
I have just purchased the Tunze Nano - Wavebox for my Deep Sea Aquatics Neo 90 Aquarium with the following measurements.

36 x 24 x 25

The aquarium has a center-back overflow.

I am inquiring as to the best location for the Tunze Nano-Wavebox.

I am assuming the output should be the length of the aquarium (36 inches).

Would you suggest center left or right, or towards the front just a little?

The ideal would be on the side and toward the front corner. Alternatively, the Nano works pretty well in the back corner aimed down the 2ft length, as it works mostly on displacement, however this will give a wave that peaks in the diagonal corners.
Tunze Nano-Wavebox

Tunze Nano-Wavebox


I actually did place the unit in the back corner with the outflow towards the front (24") and it produces a decent wave action.

I tried the front right, with the output across the full 36" and didn't really get anything.

Silly question....Upon reading the instructions, the "output" is to be controlled by a set screw. I can not locate one. I assume on the NANO -wavebox that the output is controlled by the "slider" if you will controlling the voltage???

I also assume the 24V is the maximum output. I am trying to get the most I can out of this.

Yes, you are correct about the voltage. The frequency would be different across the length and you would have to be careful that there are no obstacles.