tunze noise?


Colored Sticks addict
i just bought a tunze 6105 and when its on wavemaker mode it makes a click everytime it fires on... will this get less quiet the longer i run them? oh and its hooked up to a 7096 controller. just want to know if its normal and will go away or if im just being to picky:confused:
This is normal on wavemaker mode, this pump was not designed as a wavemaker pump, the controller allows this function and it won't harm the pump but it will click when rapidly cycled on and off. There is a work around, you can add an extra disk above and below the drive unit to limit the movement and the click, but the disks will need to be readjusted every few months as they will move from the force of being turned off and on rapidly.
Cool thanks for the info.... What pumps are designed to run as a wavemaker? I have 2 6105's and a 7096 controler and I want to add the wavamaker function w/o clicking noises... And will this be too much flow for a 180 gallon mixed reef?
Right now it is the 6261 and 6055, but we will have a new pump in the fall that is like the 6105 but with a specially modded drive unit, it will replace the 6261. I am not sure if that drive unit may be retrofittable into the 6105.
All current model 6055, 6095, 6105 and 6155 can run on a wavemaker, the difference in clicking noise will largely be a function of the controller, if you use our 7092 or 7096 it would be no different that the wavebox pump which is essentially a 6155 running on a weaker 6105 power supply since it never needs the full power level when it is so rapidly cycled off and on. Even the older pumps could run this way, they just made more noise.