From the videos I can only gain so much knowledge.
1) The install looks good as far as being a calm area. I cannot really discern if any ballasts, etc are near the controller or sensors. I am skeptical about the controller install, it looks like the controller or DC tip could easily land in the sump, it just takes a brief exposure to saltwater while plugged in to destroy the DC tip, it essentially reverses the electroplating on the positive inner tip and results in poor contact. The controller of course is instant toast if it gets wet.
2) The reservoir is a little too close in height to the terminal point of the hose for my comfort. The pump can handle 8ft and personally I would always route the top off hose to my overflow box, making sure their is an air gap from the surface of the water to the top of the hose. At a minimum I would reduce how much hose hangs into the sump by at least 6", the end of the hose must be below the maximum water level you would keep in the reservoir to prevent a siphon and given the distant change in location, that may be the case, it is not clear in the video. In this video as best as I can tell, the water level sensor was not reached yet so the pump should be running. The display should show yellow and green on for 10-20 (usually 20 the first cycle 10 every cycle after) seconds after the water reaches the point on the sensor where the cone meets the cylinder. It should then change to green only.
3) The controller seems to show that the water is on the level sensor (green) which it is. The float is raised (red too high), which it is. And a blinking 2 low, which means the controller ran for 10 minutes and has timed out. The only scenarios I see this read out as feasible is the controller ran for 10 minutes and a surge in water level occurred due to a plumbing issue, a siphon occurred after a ten minute run time, or the controller has a defect. I would run the diagnostic test to rule out a defect, to do this the float must be down and the optic sensor must be dry, when you first plug it in, all 4 lights should flash, then you should get a green light, green means it passed, yellow means it is questionable which is usually caused by skin oils or some film on the sensor, red means it failed. Again, this test is only valid if the optic sensor is dry, when wet you will always get a red light.