Tunze Osmolator issue


New member
My ato pump today started up as usual but made a winding down sound and then quick pumping. I picked up the pump and felt it vibrating but it just seemed frozen

Unplugged the controller and plugged it back in and it beeps then flashes all lights. Goes green for 5 seconds or so, beeps again with all leds on, goes green for 5 seconds or so, etc. All while not pumping any water

Help is appreciated!
It sounds like a dead pump, if the controller stops that behavior when the pump is disconnected, the pump is definitely dead.
I unplugged the pump and plugged the controller back in. Controller yellow light came on steady with no beeping. Then the green light flashed on for 2 or 3 seconds and went away while yellow light stayed constant.

Sound like controllers fine but pump is bad?