New member
Bought this from BRS on June 26 and it was working fine throughout July. I went on vacation for 2 weeks with the wife here to baby sit the tank. She calls and says its not working so I tell her to wipe the eye clean. After 30 min she finally gets it working. 2 days later its not topping off again so she manually fills the tank till I get home. I returned home on 11 Aug. and turn power off, wipe eye that didnt have any noticable salt creep on it, put everything back together, repower and it works. Well next day same thing, next day same thing, tried repositioning the eye to a different spot in sump and it still wont fill unless I unplug the unit for 10-15 min and then repower, and that doesnt always work. I had to manually topoff yesterday but did get it to fill this morning by shutting down power. Any help would be greatly appreciated as we are leaving again this Friday the 21st for 2 days.