Tunze Osmolator pump goes on when it's not supposed to


For some reason, something strange is going on with my Tunze Osmolator. I've noticed that when I move the controller box around, the pump light will turn on and the pump will start topping off even though the eye is at the correct water level. Alternatively, even the green level light goes off periodically and when it turns back on, it sometimes turns on the pump as well. I'm not sure what is going on but it's making me nervous since I don't want to come home to an overflowing tank!
It sounds like the power connection is loose or corroded and everytime it breaks and regains power connection the pump comes on for a few seconds, this is normal on older osmolators, we just need to solve the power connection. The brief pump on when first powered up is caused by a circuit delay while the condensor charges and activates the optic sensor. Check that the connection is not corroded, you can also open the controller and bend out the tab the contact the outer shell with a small screwdriver, worst case if you send it in I can solder in a new plug receptacle.
Thanks for the advice Roger. I bought this off of someone here on RC so maybe it's older than he told me. I'll have a look at it tonight. If the power connection is corroded, what's the best way to get rid of it (whether it's the plug receptacle or the plug itself)?
If it is the recptacle it is best to send it in and I can replace it, if it is the plug, I can give you the specs or sell you a replacement.
Yeah, I can fix it up, it should total about $30, worst case, including a new power supply and return shipping. Just include your phone number and return address in the box.
Thanks Roger. Sounds good. What's the address where I should send it (you can PM me if you prefer? And do you know approximately how long the turnaround will be? I only ask because I am going to be out of town the week following Labor Day and would like to have it up and running again by that time.

Typically I would have something like this done within 2 days of receipt.

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753