This product is designed with the understanding that Kalkwasser will never be able to meet all the calcium demand of a stoney coral tank. It holds 4 teaspoons of powder and that is sufficient for one fill of our reservoir 5002.25, which holds about 6 gallons when you install the calcium dispenser inside of it. It delivers a saturated solution, not a slurry, the biggest advantage being that the solution is mixed in a sealed vessicle limiting its exposure to CO2. It is really to be used as an adjunct to a calcium reactor, the kalk binds excess CO2 and stabilizes pH, and adds a bit of Calcium but kalk is a weak source of calcium and with realistic dosing regiments is not going to elevate Calcium much no matter how you use it. If you add a lot the pH shoots up and precipitates calcium, their just is no way to escape this.