Tunze Osmolator Pump


I think it may be toast. Recently the reservoir ran dry, but the system shut the pump off as expected. I filled it back up, and checked to make sure the pump wasn't air locked, since that has happened before. When the system kicks on I can hear the motor in the pump running, but the impeller inside the pump doesn't move. And slowly the sound of the pump dies off a bit.

Any suggestions or does this need a new pump?
It sounds like you need a new pump, they generally last 2-3 years, if it is less than 2 years old it would be a warranty issue.
Can you email me your receipt? Tunze at sbcglobal dot net

My pump seems to have just died after running for 3 months. Is there anyway to get it replaced or do I just have to order a new one. I purchased the ATO in January 2015 and set my tank up 3 months ago.
Yes, if you are in the US you would need to email me an invoice and the manufacture date of the pump. The manufacture date is on the silver tag under the CE logo, it is 6 digits year and month.

Tunze at sbcglobal dot net