Tunze PH Probe

Seeing Green

New member
I picked up a Tunze PH probe a little while back, and managed to zap my calibration on the controller by well--- zeroing in the sump.

I got some calibration fluid from a friend, and I am not having any luck getting it to calibrate readings come up the same in 4 and 7. Is there a "fix" or is the probe just done for?

What type of meter is it being used on? Ours use 5 and 7.

Electrodes are basically batteries, they have a finite life even sitting on a shelf they go bad. Instead of lead, lead oxide and sulfuric acid and 2V per cell, they use platinum, platinum oxide and 3M KCL and put out only 100mV and this varies a little with the pH. In some cases they can be refreshed but this is tedious work, you have to very gently file the point on the tip where the platinum wire sticks through and then drain and refill the electrode with fresh 3M KCL solution. This does not always work, it depends on why it failed, they generally are good for 3 years, after 3 years, they usually cannot be refreshed in this way and just have to be replaced.
I should point out that the drain port is covered by that silicon sleeve, the filing of the tip is done just to expose fresh platinum.
The boot on the glass tips was supposed to stay on while in tank? That could be my issue.

I was using it with the reefkeeper.

It is the glass body version.

Is there a tutorial on re-energizing?