Tunze Question


In Memoriam
Hello all, I have a question. Ive been reading the instruction manual for the Multicontroller and just can seem to understand it or something. OK let me 1st say what kind of controller and pumps I have, I have the 7094 controller and 2- 6100 Stream Pumps. I am keeping Acros, Toadstools, Frogspawn, Millies and some softies like Zoas (more frags than anything, since I just started this system about 3 months ago). I want to know what is the best setting that the controller should be on for what type of corals I have.

Can someone please explain to me what the setting should be. Right now I have them set as follows

I have each pump on seperate sides of the tank. They are approx 3/4 the way to the top of tank and in the middle of the sides. I have them run full blast on one side and low on the other, than they switch the same way. OK hope your staying with me so far. The Mode switch is in the middle and the Interval switch is to the top 1-12 hours, but they switch every 13-14 seconds, whay that is I have no clue when there on the top which is 1-12 hours.

Bascially what Im asking is for the types of Corals I have which is the best setting to have healthy Corals.

Heres some pics to show you the controller and where the pumps are located

THANKS IN ADVANCE for the help!!! Sorry for the long post!! :D

The red dots are representing where those knobs are set at


My tank is only a 55g, so I only have one stream, but I have the controller and hopefully I can help you out.

My tunze is more twords the top of the tank. -maybe 4" from the surface...and for the flow, you need to take the pulse dial and move it to the middle, so its at the 1200 position. Right now, as you have it set, its not really pulsing very much. :lol:, dont know if its off or slightly above off. -The middle setting will be a good place to start.

Turn both dials all the way down. Turn Ch#2 up first, then adjust Ch.#1
Thanks vest for your advice!! Yeah the pulse is on just barley, I have it set right before it goes off and I probally put the red dot alittle to low!!! Thanks again I appericate it

Does any one run 2 pumps at the oppisite ends of the tank like I am? Please let me know your setting. Thanks :D
What is the inetrval dial set to (there is no red dot). You will probabaly want to set the mode to the top position, so the pumps will alternate from one side to the other. In the setting youre on now, the one pump stays on all the time and the other turns on and off. The interval switch determione the rate at which the previous condition will occur. If you have it set to the top (1-12 hours) and the dial (which I mentioned I could not read) is turned to vary between 1 hour and 12 hours. Switch to the other settings, and turn the dial to vary within those parameters.

If all else fails, go to the Tunze forum at RC and ask Roger, he can talk you through building a space shuttle, if you (or he) wanted.
Hello jmaneyapanda- welp the interval switch is not on because the pumps are plugged into 8-10 ports. if I did 8-11 than that comes on. I didnt even think of looking at Tunzes forum on here, thanks for that great idea!!! Im so confused about this thing, Im sure its easy once I figure out all the different options. Thats the thing thats confusion me, is if you switch this on than this will not work but if you switch this to this high blah blah blah!!! LOL I will post a thread in the Tunze forum and see what happens from there, thanks for that idea, I think thatll solve my delemma!!! :D