Tunze Reefpack 500 in Sump?

Kent Williams

New member
Hi, let me start by thanking everyone for all the great input on this site.
If possible I would like to install my Reefpack 500 in a sump since it's a little big for my 37 gallon tank. If this will work, does anyone know where I can order the parts for doing this? What would be a minimum size for a sump that housed a reefpack 500?
Also, I broke one of the fastners that hold the reefpack to the tank and could use a illustration with part numbers if one is available and the name of a vendor who I could order from.
Thanks again!
Yesterday I posted for the first time and it seemed I couldn't find a way to search the archives. Well today, I can easily search and I see most of my Reefpack questions have already been addressed and no posts on the reefpack in sump are needed. I still could use some help tracking down how to order the broken connector that holds the reefpack onto the mounting bar. Thanks
Sorry for being late, I was at IMAC. If you have the manual give me your address and the part number and I'll get it to you, it helps greatly if you trace out the number in the diagram to the part number (example the diagram says 6b then in the chart it says 3060.45, the 3060.45 is the part number I would have it listed under).