Tunze Silence PRO Recirculation Pump 1073.110


New member
Hi all,

Just wanted to ask, has any one used this pump? is it really "silent" and is it worth the healthy price tag?

It is a big pump so while it is quiet relative to most pumps this size, it definitely makes noise. Your typical pump in this size class uses a large air cooled motor so their is a fan noise as well as the pump noise but in no way will it be as quiet as a typical submersible aquarium pump that does 600-1000 gph. We sell a fair number of them and the only complaints I have received have been related to vibration when connected with rigid plumbing (using vinyl tubing at least as a connection between the pump and rigid pipe solves this) and broken impellers which I have seen a few of and they tend to be caused by debris. The impeller is a modified Tesla turbine design so it can be jammed by a rock for instance and will then strip from the magnet. The impellers are about half the cost of the pump due to the huge rare earth magnet so you want to do everything possible to keep debris from getting in the pump. So far they seem to have been very reliable and most people I have spoken with are pleased with the performance. You do want to use it though with the correct 1.5" plumbing, it is a high volume lower pressure pump and restricting it to 1" or 3/4" drastically cuts the performance.
Thank you very much for the reply, If I go with this pump i will use vinyl tubing to connect to my rigid plumbing for sure. Very tempted to try this pump out.