Tunze Skimmer for 50G Softy Cube


Looking for a skimmer for my 50G softy cube. I'm running a sump and was thinking of going with the classic 9205 due to its plankton friendly nature. Thanks!
The 9205 would be a good choice, the 9005 can be run in a similar manner by closing the front shutter door. The only caution about the 9205 is it will only handle a 3/4" water level fluctuation so a partition with a constant water level should be made for it, it is very easy to run the pump dry.
Both are nice, I am sentimental about the 9205 as the 233 was its great grand daddy and that was the first Tunze product I ever owned, I bought it in 1996 from JP Burleson. I would go with the 9205, provided you can build a partition in the sump to keep the proper water level. The 9005 is a bit easier as it can't run dry so easily but it must be submerged much deeper.