Tunze top off issue again


New member
The Tunze controller says level but the water is well below the sensor. Will not turn pump on. This is the same issue I had about a year ago so I went out and bought a new Tunze 5017 and having same issue. Thanks in advanced for any help. Thinking should still be within warranty.
There are 2 prime culprits. It is under warranty for 2 years from date of purchase.

1) The sensor can develop a haze of minerals, it won't be very obvious unless the sensor is dry. A soak in vinegar for 2-3 hours should remove this and get it back up and running.

2) The sensor may have breached and some water entered and shorted the contacts inside, the cable may also have been pinched or damaged in some way. In this case if you send it in we can replace the optic sensor.

Just send it in with a note that has your return address and phone number and a receipt if available (without receipt we work from the manufacture date).

Tunze USA
305 Victor St
Austin, TX 78753