Tunze Top Off Not Working. Please help.


New member
My Tunze Top Off seems to have stopped working. I believe its the sensor.
I unplug the power and plugged it back in. Of course like normal the pump turns on for a few seconds and then shuts off. Green light is lit.

Only problem is when my water level drops the sensor does not kick on to turn the pump on.

I've cleaned the sensor in warm water with vinegar and I've tried warm water with a lil soap.

Mine is a the version with the plastic brackets.
Try the vinegar again but let it soak for 2-4 hours, make sure there is no hazy film left on the sensor.
Hey Roger,

I came home tonight from work and let it soak for 4 or more hours in vinegar.
I just plugged it back in and the sensor still isn't working.
Could you please tell me what else I can do? Can I send it in to have this problem fixed.
Please PM me. Thanks so much.
Yes, but please see the stickied note at the top of this forum, I won't be here and no repairs will be done from the 11th-18th. I will handle repairs in the order recieved as soon as I return. The shipping info is in the stickied thread.