Tunze Wave box ?


New member
I'm looking to put one of these in my 180 but with my rock work, I don't know if it will work. There are no places in the tank that the rocks won't block flow in the first 1 - 3 feet.

I have three pillars on the left side of the tank basically shaped like a pyramid. That means if I put the wave box on that side, it will hit one of those pillars. They are not that wide but will block full flow.

On the right hand side of the tank I have two lagoons, lots of rock and not sure if the wave will go through there either. Also, the right hand side is the entrance of the room and I'd rather not have it there.

So will the wave box blow through 3 pillars set about 1 - 3 from the glass and create a wave even if the box will have to push right into one of the pillars?
I know Roger has different info he gives, but in my pre-fire setup, my wavebox was in the back corner of the tank. Significant rock structures began 2" from the pump output on the wavebox. I had a 1" wave in the tank. It was no smaller at all (I measured) than when the box was at the front of the tank with an unobstructed path to the other side.

So on my new setup I have it mounted in the same spot. While I have more open space in the current setup, the rockwork is still a bit in front of the box though further away. I am getting a bit more than 1" this time.

You should be just fine.
The placement of the wavebox itself does not matter a lot, as its not really meant to *push* water like the streams. The wave is created by a change in the water volume, think of it in terms of trying to dip a gallon jug in your tank in rapid movements...although it will not *push* any water, at the right frequency it will create a wave.

I had mine positioned on a side glass middle to back about 6" away from a rock structure, there was very little chance of the pump actually pusing water to the other side, but I did have a decent 1" plus wave & pulsing action. the fish & coral love it!
It will work, but it will work better with fewer obstructions, keep in mind the pump is about 9" from the water surface so you may not have as much obstructions toward the top.
my rocks is about 10 inches from box in right hand corner in back i would say i can get 2 to 3 inch wave easily the thing about the box is the control the tinest bit of movement on that dial makes a big differnce there is nothing like the wave box or the service of the company that makes it i would recomened it over and over the natural motion it gives cant be coppied