tunze wavebox pump seams let go


the nano wavebox has glue/epoxy seams that attach the lateral edges of the pump to the elevated rim of the bottom part of the wavebox.

these have detached. what do you recommend to recreate the fine seam?
Can I just pump a silicone buffer on the underside of the motor to quiet the brrrrt it makes?

Has the pump completely detached from the base? The factory glue is Tangit and that is what I would use, it is a solvent weld cement, like acrylic glue but it works on PVC, ABS and Polyamide to melt the plastics together. Unless it has detached completely I would suspect another culprit for the noise. If it has detached, I would send it in for repair.
it has not detached from the bottom of the pump, but from the vertical sides of the pump as they touch the rim of the bottom of the wavebox.
In general that is not attached, I would chock that up to some over gluing and my guess is they tied to clean it up a bit and it didn't so much break free and just wasn't completely glued. I would be willing to take a look and try to solve the noise problem if you want to send it in.