New member
Ok I have been deciding what to do with my PHs and decided to go tunze. I have a 6ft 125 full sps reef tank. I want to create a wave with power heads instead of the wave box due to the fact I dont have much room. I do know that the 7096 controller is the newest one and can create waves but with what pumps? I have no idea what pumps to get. I have seen everything from the new Turbelle to pumps like the 6000, 6100, 6200 ext. I am a bit lost and dont know much about these other pumps. Can the 6000-6200 be controlled to make a wave in my tank? And which size would you recommend? I would like to use the 6000 because I find they are a bit cheaper used then the new ones. Considering my budget is not that big. Sorry again for so many question