turnover for SPS dominant reef


New member
I see that many people out there (including myself) are confused about water flow in an SPS tank. so lets see what all you SPS fanatics are doing.

Please include

1.) your turnover rate
2.) how you achieve this rate (tunze, closed loop, ect.)
3.) a picture
1.) 108
2.) tunze (no cover) and return pump
<img src="http://www.bluespheremarines.com/marine/200406front.jpg" alt="" border="0">
Which rate you want? Filtration rate or flow rate?

Anyways I run . 6 times the display volume thru the sump and the tank has a combined total flow of 117x

my old sps was 135x-114x that was between 100% and 60% pumps pulsing
I have a 125 and I am using 2 Vortechs and a Mak4 return. My skimmer is a big custom ETSS with an Iwaki 70 running full speed,~1500gph.
I still have a mix of some softies in mine although they are slowly making it over to my son's lionfish tank. I have about 53X turnover in the main tank. I currently use seio's but I'm eyeing those new vortechs and when the controller comes out I may bite the bullet.
clkwrk: sory for the confusion. I want to know the flow rate

also what about your fish. do they have trouble swimming in the current
1) 71X
2) 2 Sequence Dart Closed Loops, 1 Mak 4 return
I have a 50 gallon (48X12X18) and have 1 Seio 1500, 1 Seio 820, 1 Seio 620 plus a mag 7 return. I could definitally use more in places.

About ~75X intank turnover

Perty current pic

More flow the better. I would say 25x would be a good starting point. but you can get away with less and some require way more. the flow needs to get to the corals so they can get rid of built up detritus and slime. some tanks with tons of rock or very large corals require more flow because the flow gets restricted. If you had a completely open tank with to sieo's you would have great flow throughout the entire tank. Now you add a pile of rocks to stop flow and a 15 inch coral and the flow gets restricted. I think people often overlook the rock structures in tanks as a functional thing. I think this has a lot to do with the more open rock structures you see in tanks today versus ten years ago.