Two FREE Fish...


New member
Anybody close by who wants to free Yellowtailed Damsels?
These aren't the Blue Devils, these are the more docile yellowtails.
I have had them for about 3.5 years. I am not sure if they are mated or not, but they hang together all of the time. One is significantly larger than the other.

Talk to you all later,
Cspurr- you could take them to broadway aquatics and they will give you a few bucks store credit for them. You might want to call first though. I have a Yellow with Purple strip Pseudo if your interested in it. He is in my nano tank right now with 4 damsels. Neat looking, but pretty aggessive.
Yeah, I am looking to dump the agressive fish...trying to get my clowns to spawn - and I think some of the commotion is inhibiting that environment a little...although the yellowtails are more docile than most "damsels". Thanks for the response and offer though. Plus, I