Do you have a SW aquarium?
You really should set up your tank and see what actually survives.
If you have no experience, I would except less than half of anything you try to keep will die.
Depending on how you read this, there is wisdom there. I wouldn't expect a 50% death rate from your hand. If you choose fish wisely, set your tank up right, add fish when the tank is mature enough, and feed appropriately, you can expect better survival.
I don't think the intent was "blindly throw fish into a tank and see who fight clubs the crap out of the others."
I think he's saying that not every fish combo has been vetted, that there is no formula for a successful tank, and that what works for me might not work for you.
Adhere to the tried and true rules of thumb (I've noticed that you're doing great work learning them), observe the fish you add, see why some die.
You'll see some fish die because the day was Tuesday. With experience, you may learn that the fish that died on tuesday looked like it was getting beat up on Sunday, but really hasn't eaten since added on Monday.
There are a bunch of variables to consider when adding fish to a household reef. Does the fish live with several of the same species on a rock, competing for the same resources? Probably not. Can you add a fish that lives 1000 miles away that serves the same purpose on a different reef next to that fish? Probably not.
When choosing reef fish, it's important to look at what niche they fill on the reef. Understand how the fish lives in the wild and you can (kind of) predict how they'll react in your tank.
I know that's really vague, but it's supposed to be. Look at the fish you want, then how it lives in your tank. If you have a fish that lives a similar lifestyle, you probably have competition. Competition usually means fighting.
A good example...
I know a guy who kept two different species of breeding clownfish in one tank. He had an 8 foot tank with several separated rock structures. He added the clowns early and allowed them to fight out their territory. They made peace with home territories at the left and right extremes of his rock work. He was not able to do this in a 6 foot tank.
To us, not a big deal. To the fish, 2 feet was life and death.
That's a really long way of saying, don't pick multiple fish who fill the same role on the reef unless you have the space to let them fight it out. That space is unique to the species and usually not well defined. You'll get "it worked for me" and "I started with two, ended with one" from two people with the same sized tank.
Don't stop asking and trust the advice you get from seasoned reefers. Just realize that there's no consolidated list of comparability, so it can be an educated craps shoot sometimes.