Two part epoxy


New member
I was wondering if there was a epoxy that you could buy off the shelf at a Home Depot or Wal Mart that would be Aquarium safe. The only reason I have to ask is that I don't have a pet store near by that sell anything like that and I am having major problems with getting some smaller corals to stick with just super glue. (they are getting mowed down by my Mexican Turbos).
Aquamend from Home Depot comes in a small tube for about $3. It's green on the outside, white in the middle, and mixes up mostly white. I've been using it for a couple years with no problem. Our LFS has the same stuff (same manufacturer) for about twice the price.
I've also used the grey epoxy from HomeDepot, but I prefer the white. It purples up nicely.
It's been awhile since I bought some, but home depot had a grey plumber's putty that was for potable water that worked the same as the aquarium version. I think the name was "rector seal" (insert your own joke here)..........