Two Quick Questions...


Hi Roger!

I need a new impeller on a 6100 Stream. I know there are two different designs (I believe it's the newer one), are both available, or back-compatible with the motor blocks? I just want to confirm that piece (6100.700) will replace the older and newer style units before I order it from the Tunze site.

Next, do you have the magnetic mounts available seperately for those of us with older Osmolator units? I have it "fixed" on a 40G tank, with a rim, and it's not pretty. The magnets would be a far better solution. :)

Let me know, thanks!

I would use 6100.700, the only reason 6100.600 is still offered is that on the oldest pumps the magnet rotor well could be slightly off center and the pump runs quieter with the 6100.600 because it has so play in it to make up for being out of alignment but really since 2005 this shouldn't be an issue as a new jig was developed to keep things square and true during assembly. 6100.700 will work in all 6000 or 6100, it just may be noisier in the oldest ones.

Yes, part 3155.600, just be forwarned that our first shipment was just a bulk box of magnets, no manual or packaging, but they are available, Premium has them and so does AquaCave and Salty Critter. A lot of times when things are brand new the packaging isn't finalized so they just come loose, they run $32.55.