Uh-Oh...Another Mystery Critter and it Looks Bad!


New member
Was just looking at the tank tonight just after feeding and saw this little guy...he's about 3/8-1/2" long. Pulled him out before I lost track of him. Kind of a red coloring to it and almost looks "fuzzy" all over the shell...not sure what the deal is there. I pulled the horse conch out before cause I saw the red and thought "warning!", so did the same this time.

Anyone have any clue...don't think I want to put it back in the tank no matter what it ends up being.



I think he looks cool. Kinda like a hairy conch. Now, just because he looks cool certainly does not mean that he should belong in your reef until it is confirmed that he's okay. It's so weird that all these people find cool stuff hiding away in their liverock. I've never found anything interesting, and haven't even seen a single bristle worm in my 120g...
Yeah, maybe a whelk or even a baby horse conch. Either way, it's bad I believe, so he's not going back in my tank.
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