Umbrella mushroom and its guts


New member
I have an umbrella mushroom (according to and I glued it to a rock which later I noticed had some small aiptasia by it. I recently epoxied over the aiptasia because the mushroom didn't seem happy. I thought maybe they were stinging the musroom. Could the aiptasia have maybe moved under the mushroom instead of being sealed over permanantly?

I ask because I can't figure out why the mushroom has white stirngy things coming from different areas. Also, if the mushroom wasn't happy where I glued it, then it could detach and move right? The mushroom is at the top of the tank, but the lighting isn't so great since I need to replace the bulbs. Also, I plan on upgrading the lighting (nanocustoms upgrade for BioCube 14) and want to know if this will hurt the mushroom. I just want what is best for that cirtter!!
My shrooms do the same thing about once a month. It is just getting out all the trash that is inside them. I would wait a week or so and see how it does.
Mushrooms should not be glued, it can burn their flesh. The white stringy stuff is a sign of stress, it is not a normal monthly thing.
To clarify, I didn't glue the actual mushroom, but a very small piece of rock that it was stuck to.

I got home and all of its guts are coming out of its mouth.
I have no idea what to do.
Well, from what I can tell they normally don't do that simply as a result of lack of light. They can move, but pretty slowly. You'll need to figure out what might be bothering it... I'm not sure if Aiptasia would provoke that response.
Can anyone else second that about the aiptasia. I was really worried that might be the cause.

Could the epoxy that I put around it have caused this?

I have been watching it and yesterday almost all of the guts were back in but it never opened fully. This morning, more guts came out and it was curled up.

I am going to do a two gallon water change tonight after work and maybe that will help. I am also getting new rics and zoas today so I want the water to be really nice for them.
I just looked up what you where talking about and I was wrong, sorry. The "brain" looking white stuff is just as said above, stress sign. I will bet money that the aptasia is what is causing this. I was thinking of mine when it expells the bad food from it's mouth and not the shroom turning inside out like yours is doing. If you keep the water changed and get rid of that aptasia before it spreads, you should be okay.
FWIW, it could have been the epoxy that is causing the stress. When the 2 part epoxy cures, it releases alot of heat, so if it was very close to the shroom when it was curing that may be the problem.